Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jungian Personality Quiz

The results of my quiz were interesting.  It came out that I scored as an Inspector.  Some of it I agreed with, some of it I did not.  Some of the things that were definitely right on for me were that I am dependable, punctual, and stand-offish.  I try to be on time.  If I make a commitment, I keep it.  People tell me that I come off as cold and uninvolved to people that don't know me very well.  I usually keep my feelings to myself.

But I am not a slave to rules.  I am not really a negative person.  I don't usually go into a situation or meet a person with a bias.  I am pretty open-minded.  I didn't really see the comparisons as right on, either.  I am not a whiny Eeyore type.  If I lost my tail, I would just go find the stupid thing.  I am definitely nothing like the former president, Bush Junior, either.  If I don't know something, I don't just fake it.  I asked my girlfriend about the last comparison, which was Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, since she reads all the time, and she wanted to see what I was working on.  I showed her, and she started laughing and wouldn't stop.  I am going to assume that is because I am nothing like whatever a Marshwiggle is, but I plan on finding the book and reading it, just to make sure.

I guess the quiz was kind of entertaining, and some of the stuff was right on, but some of it just didn't make sense to me.  I also saw, while taking the quiz, quite a few questions that had such gray areas that I had a hard time picking my answer.  I think that if I were to take the quiz again in a few days, in a different mood, I would probably end up with a completely different title.

1 comment:

  1. What were your results? How do these compare? How does the indicator define the attributes - do you define them differently? How does this shape you, or not, as a student and a student writer? Dig deeper and read. ~Ms. A.
