Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Trying to write about something, and coming up with nothing, seems to be my problem this evening.  Well, just about every evening. After classes I'm usually off to run a hand full of errands,  then off to pick up my two awesome girls, which makes up for having to meet with their awful mother who usually has something negative to say or complains about something that she expects me to react to. (You know it's weird. After sixteen years of being with some one and thinking you know them only to find out  you don't is really unnerving...  Just saying.) Back to my girls, they are awesome.  I'd say they're the foundation of my sanity. We usually start a school night evening out with them asking "Whats for dinner?" Then I proceed with the rest of our usual driving home conversations. If they have home work, how was their day, did anything exciting happen today, only to find out our trip home is too short. By the time everything that needs to be done is done, I find the day itself is actually too short. And then there is homework.  I haven't had homework assignments since 1996, and that's about fifteen years ago. If you would have told me in '96 how things would be in fifteen years, I might have chosen different paths.  (Where were you?!)  Then again, if things were different, I would not have learned the lessons and found the opportunities that made me the dad, friend, and type of person I am today.  Not to mention the teachers, arts, and people I would not have had the chance to experience if not for the path I chose. As much as I hate to say it, things do seem to happen for a reason.  I used to hate it when friends would let those words run out of their mouths. Now I find myself saying it to them. (Ha, ha, back at them.) Well I think that's about all I've got for my rambling on about nothing, which surprisingly turned out to be a bit of something. Now that I look back at what I wrote, there are a few things I probably could rant on about a bit more another day.         

1 comment:

  1. Hey I have that same problem. Thinking and thinking and still nothing. Don't worry you are not the only one. But it seems like you came up with a good post anyway. ;0
