Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Credo

I believe that there is nothing more important than being a parent.  I believe that your parents have the ultimate influence over your life, whether it is for the better or the worst.  I think that you learn from your parents what to do and what not to do with your own kids, and I think that as a parent, you have no more important job than to be a good parent and take care of your kids.  There is no greater responsibility than to teach your kids to be good people, and keep them safe.  I have never been happier than I was when I became a father.  Everything I do is for my children, and that is the way it should be.  I am going back to school for my daughters, so that I can make my life better, so that theirs will be better.  Whenever I make a decision, I always take into my mind how the choice I make will effect them.  I encourage them to do their best, and call them on it when they don't.  I reward them for good behavior, and give them consequences for bad behavior.  I love to have fun with them, taking them camping, fishing, bike riding, teaching them to air brush, but I am not their friend.  When they grow up, I will be their friend.  Right now, the important thing is to teach them what is acceptable and what is not.  To teach them right from wrong, to teach them to work hard to get what they want and not just sit around and wait for someone to give them things.   This doesn't mean I can't be fun and funny, and enjoy how crazy and silly they can be.  This just means that sometimes they won't like me, sometimes they will tell me I am not fair.  But I know that if I do my job right, they will be good parents someday, and they will understand that what I did, I did for them.  Then I can relax a bit, and enjoy their company, and the company of my grand kids.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there is nothing more than being a good parent. To be a good parent you must be a good person. Sometimes we learn what not to do from our parents doing it. We also learn what we are going to do differently as a parent from them.
